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LOCAL Boosting Silver Economy through local Community Mentoring

80 educators participated in the in-service training programme of LOCAL A groundbreaking training program aimed at upskilling educators, trainers, and staff working in adult education has been\ successfully conducted under the prestigious Erasmus+ project LOCAL. The training, specifically designed to equip participants with mentoring skills and support the implementation of thematic mentoring cycles, marks a…

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Final meeting of SPECIAL: Transnational Project Meeting in Húsavík

Húsavík 13.06.2023 On 13 June 2023, the consortium joined in Húsavík, Iceland for the 4th and final transnational meeting of the SPECIAL project. SPECIAL project that started in 2021, brings together seven partners from six European countries (Sweden, Italy, Iceland, Belgium, Spain and Romania) and is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission,…

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ACCESSI: Fostering Knowledge and Capacity to Excell in Sustainbaility and Social Inclusion

EPIC completes its first Erasmus+ project as Coordinator ACCESSI is a project co-funded by the European Commission through the ErasmusPlus Programme (KA210-ADU Small-Scale Partnerships for Adult Education) developed by EPIC in collaboration with the Macedonian partner CDI. Together the two partners carried out a series of activities with the aim of building and strengthening the…

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RESET: Identification of critical digital competence needs of VET providers

RESET aims at offering significative solutions for post-pandemic training for VET providers. The first part of the project included both collection of primary data from a survey to investigate digital competence needs of the VET providers as well as desk research of the partners. A questionnaire developed to uncover the digital competences of VET providers…

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LOCAL Boosting Silver Economy through local Community Mentoring

EPIC joined the third Transnational Project Meeting of LOCAL On November 29, 2022, EPIC hosted the third transnational meeting of LOCAL, a Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission, which brings together 9 Partners from 8 different countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Spain). The meeting was held…

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A competence building framework for NEETs’ engagement and empowerment:

Introducing the SPECIAL training curricula During the implementation of SPECIAL Project Result 2, Partners mapped what are the specific needs and challenges preventing NEETs from overcoming their situation of isolation/marginalisation from the world of education and/or labour market at local level. The Countries taken into consideration were those of the Consortium: Iceland, Spain, Italy, Romania…

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Welcome to the LOCAL project’s first newsletter

LOCAL Boosting Silver Economy through local community mentoring is an Erasmus+ project (KA2 Cooperation partnerships in adult education) which aims to eliminate aged-related discrimination through the development of upskilling pathways in the field of Silver Economy, Silver Entrepreneurship and Community Mentoring. Target group Duration Adults over the age of 50Adult Education providers Start date: Jan.…

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