EPIC completes its first Erasmus+ project as Coordinator
ACCESSI is a project co-funded by the European Commission through the ErasmusPlus Programme (KA210-ADU Small-Scale Partnerships for Adult Education) developed by EPIC in collaboration with the Macedonian partner CDI.
Together the two partners carried out a series of activities with the aim of building and strengthening the capacity of small organizations involved in adult education to facilitate their access to the Erasmus Programme and their participation in international projects.
The results produced by EPIC and CDI, as part of a capacity-building path that has benefited EPIC staff in particular, are:
- Operational Guidelines to the Erasmus+ Programme
To support organisations in the submission of a proposal
- Guidelines for Networking + Contact Tools + Map of International Networks
To help organisations to map and engage new international partners and stakeholders
- Operative Toolkit on Adult Education
The Toolkit provides organisations with an overview on the EU Adult Education policies and their taxonomies and definitions through examples of AE projects within EU borders
- Project Ideas
To promote new collaborations and future Erasmus+ initiatives
To maximise the impact of the project at European level, partners shared results with more than 100 organisations across Europe. The latter, in particular those with less experience in the Erasmus Programme, will be able to consult the material in full autonomy, in order to strengthen their internal skills in the field of international collaboration, networking and Erasmus projects.
Thanks to the operational approach, after consulting the Guidelines to the Programme, the user will be able to:
- Know the fundamental principles of Erasmus+
- Recognize the difference between the various Programme’s strands and Key Actions
- Search for a Call for proposal and use EU platforms to find the necessary information
- Create the OID number and PIC
- Submit a successful proposal under Erasmus Key Action 2
- Use the EPALE platform (the e-platform for adult learning in Europe)
- Recognise EU reference educational documents
To consult and download the ACCESSI results visit the following link