LOCAL Boosting Silver Economy through local Community Mentoring

Partners joined the second Transnational Project Meeting of LOCAL

On July 22nd, 2022, the Consortium joined the second Transnational Meeting of the LOCAL project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, which brings together 9 Partners from 8 different countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Spain). The meeting was held in Valladolid and hosted by the Spanish partner INFODEF.

The meeting represented an opportunity for partners to talk about the results developed so far and set deadlines for future activities. The Consortium is working to create and test a mentoring programme to upskill adult education providers and improve the professional skills of adults over 50. The final aim is to enhance the Silver Economy as an engine for the economic development of communities, and specifically in rural areas.

At this stage, partners have carried out two consultations with their Local Expert Groups, collecting precious feedbacks on the role models’ selection and the training content; these groups constitute an expertise board to make sure that outputs are designed having in mind the real needs of the target groups and the different geographical and economic contexts.

All partners have selected role models among people from their communities who started an entrepreneurial career at 50 years old or later. In the following months, these role models will be interviewed by partners and their experience will be shared and disseminated on the LOCAL website and communication channels so that they will become an inspiration for senior people across Europe.

For further information about the LOCAL project:

LOCAL website https://local-project.eu/

LOCAL Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LOCALErasmusProject

LOCAL email address local.erasmus@amatolusitano-ad.pt