EPIC joined the third Transnational Project Meeting of LOCAL
On November 29, 2022, EPIC hosted the third transnational meeting of LOCAL, a Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission, which brings together 9 Partners from 8 different countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Spain). The meeting was held in Pescara.
The LOCAL project aims to create and test a mentoring programme to upskill adult education providers and improve the professional skills of adults over 50. The final aim is to enhance the Silver Economy as an engine for the economic development of communities, and specifically in rural areas.
During the meeting, partners had the chance to talk about the results developed so far and set deadlines for future activities. At this stage, the consortium is translating the material of the LOCAL In-service Mentoring Training and developing the Thematic Mentoring Cycles aimed at raising awareness, amongst 50+ adults, of entrepreneurship as a late-career option. In the following months partners will finilise the training material, start the Piloting sessions and publish role models’ interviews.

Furthermore, the meeting gave partners the opportunity to discuss the main issues of the projects’ horizontal activities such as Project Management, Quality Assurance, Dissemination and Sustainability. Thanks to the presence of partners with a high level of experience and multiplication potential, the project will benefit from increased visibility and impact at local, national and European level.
In the project, EPIC is responsible for the Dissemination and Sustainability of the project. In collaboration with other partners, EPIC has designed a detailed action plan for guaranteeing the widest visibility and use ot the LOCAL’s results, defining also a clear monitoring strategy. EPIC brings to the project its expertise in Euroean policies and funding programmes to promote the European dymension of the results while actively engaging the local communy.
To know more about the LOCAL project:
LOCAL website https://local-project.eu/
LOCAL Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LOCALErasmusProject
LOCAL email address local.erasmus@amatolusitano-ad.pt