a digital collection of 9 real-life stories
The LOCAL consortium developed a digital collection of real-life stories of 50+ adults with outstanding lifepaths in mentoring and entrepreneurship skills to be used to inspire others to become more actively engaged in their local communities.
The identification of role models was a well-planned and organised process, led by Inthecity Project Development, The Netherlands. After defining criteria for identifying and selecting role models in the partner countries each partner presented their role model. The LOCAL Role models are aged between 55 to 73 and active in a variety of fields, such as: language and integration of refugees, social and cultural animation, agriculture, digital marketing, sports entrepreneurship, art design, insurance sector.
Each role model tells their story in a full interview. They share their experience and skills; motivation and difficulties; reveal important key challenges and success factors and direct inspirational quotes and advice to other people, getting on their 50’s and wondering if they should start their own business or not.
A total of 9 videos (1 per partner) were produced and subtitled in English. The videos demonstrate the positive impact of the role models in their local communities, thus contributing to fight ageism.
The role model videos will function as a skills bank, where adults 55+ share their life experiences and promote their skills aiming at boosting mentoring experiences in their local communities. Role models, commonly used in formal education, are a powerful education tool, it aims at exposing its target groups to specific attitudes, lifestyles, and outlooks, and, in particular, to individuals in which these attitudes and lifestyles are embodied. Role-model education can be seen as effective because it bridges the gap between the ideal and reality.
All the inspirational stories will be part of LOCAL digital hub whose aims are also to attract peer entrepreneurs, peer mentors, and other professionals and experts in partners countries and beyond that work in mentoring, coaching and participatory community practices. The LOCAL digital hub will also integrate all the results produced within the scope of the project.
All contents produced will be available in 8 national languages: English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Italian, Romanian, and Bulgarian.
For further information about the LOCAL project:
LOCAL website https://local-project.eu/
LOCAL Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LOCALErasmusProject
LOCAL email address local.erasmus@amatolusitano-ad.pt